Full Course

Subjects For School of the Blessing

God’s Plan For Abundance

Marvels of Human Creation

Four Stages of Creation
Creation of Male and Female

How Man Was Made to Function

Functions of Body, Soul, and Spirit

Releasing From the Spirit

Functioning as Three in One

Three Functions of the Body
Three Functions of the Soul
Three Functions of the Spirit

The Fall of Man

Three temptations
Reversing God’s Order
Living in the Flesh
Results of Sin

Understanding the Spiritual Life

God’s Goal For Man

Adam given full control

The Plan of Salvation

To Save by the Foolishness of Preaching
The Gospel of Salvation

Results of the New Birth

Effects in the Spirit
Effects in the Soul
Effects in the Body

Works of the Flesh

Results of Walking in the Flesh
The Tree of the Flesh

Source of All Problems

Influenced by the World
Influenced by Demonic Powers

Walking in The Spirit

Change Your Mind
Change Your Feelings

Spirits Functions in Control

Effect on Intuition
Effect on Communion
Effect on Wisdom

The Fruit of the Spirit

Role of the Church
Importance of Prayer
Ministry of the Word

How To Function Efficiently

Exercising Your Spirit
Exercising Your Soul
Developing Your Body
Make the Right Choices

Manifestations of The Flesh

The Works of the Flesh
Encouraged by Demonic Powers

How The Flesh Works

The Spirit is Suppressed
The Body is Stirred Up

Effects on the Soul

Getting into Conflict
Self Dominates
Creates Many Problems

False Solutions

Making Comparisons
Affects Your View of Yourself

How to Handle the Flesh

Make a Decision
Put it on the Cross
Walk in the Spirit

The Root of Bitterness

How Anger Manifests
Wrong Use of Anger

Ways of Manifesting Anger

Explosive Anger

Clamor or Violent Argument

Implosive Anger


How to Deal With Anger

Dealing With Explosive Anger
Dealing With Implosive Anger

Scriptural Way of Dealing With Anger


Mechanics of Forgiveness

A Command from God
How To Ask For Forgiveness
Looking At Your Beam First
How to Handle Unforgiving Responses

The Root of Sexual Lust

Origins of Sexuality

God’s Creation of the Genders
The Magnetic Attraction of the Sexes

How Men and Women Differ

Physical Differences
Differences in the Soul
Animus and Anima

The Spirit Different

No Differences in the Spirit
Spiritual Power in Unity

Human Temperaments

The Four Main Temperaments
Why Opposites Attract
Leadership and God’s Chain of Command
The Power of Submission
Spiritual Attraction
Effect of Demonic Influence

Correct Gender Formation

Role of the Mother

Up to puberty
Effects of Premature Sexual Exposure

Role of the Father

From Adolescence
Shows Son How to be a Man
Shows Daugther How to be a Woman

The Gender Poles

Male and Female Poles in Everyone
Formed by Correct Parenting
Equal and Separate

Sexual Aberrations and LGBT

Bisexual Gender Poles
Gay Gender Poles
Confusion in Acceptance and Recognition
Unequal Male and Female Pole Development

Overcoming Sexual Problems

Excessive Sexual Desire

Effect of Absent Fathers
Effect of Unloving Mothers
Demonic Influences in Sex

Overcoming Sexual Problems

There is Hope For a Solution

The Root of Temporal Values

How Fear Affects Us

The Force of Stress
Handling Stress
Responding to Stress

Fear, Guilt, and Worry

The Effects of Fear

How Fear Affects the Body
How Fear Affects the Soul
How Fear Affects the Spirit

Fear a Sign of a Curse

Overcoming Fear

A Good picture to help you

Worry and Depression

How Worry Affects Your Body
How Worry Affects Your Soul

How to Overcome Worry

Visualize the Worst
Take Action

Dealing With Depression

Why You Get Depressed
The Cycle of Depression

The Effects of Depression

On Your Body
On Your Soul
On Your Spirit

How To Overcome Depression

Attack The Problem

The Fleshly Fruit of Envy

Effects of Envy
Temporal Values and Envy
Strife and Vainglory

How To Overcome Envy

Walk in the Spirit
Deal With The Flesh

Dealing With Self

How the Self-Concept Begins
The fallacy of Loving Yourself

Becoming Aware of Yourself

Going Through Puberty
Going Through Individuation
Individating Different Times
Making Your Own Choices

Causes of a Wrong Self-Concept

Your Appearance
Your Social Status

Effects of a Wrong Self-Concept

Inferiority or Insecurity
Swinging to Superiority
Looking For Acceptance
Looking For Recognition

Overcoming A Wrong Self-Concept

Looking to Others
Walking in Confidence
Worldly Success
Find The Starting Point

Competition and Self-Promotion

Causes and Effects of Jealousy
Competing With Others
Promoting Yourself
Excuses and Blaming Others

Dealing With Your Rights

Exercising Your Rights
Giving Up Your Rights

The Resurrected Life

Taking Up Your Cross
Following Him

Keys to Promotion

God Will Promote You
Waiting For His Timing
Paul’s Timing
Personal Experience
The Need For Titles

Jesus Our Example

Jesus’ Perfect Time
Jesus Promoting Himself
The Right Timing

Walking in the Spirit

Opposite of Walking in the Flesh
The Tree of the Spirit

Results of Walking In The Spirit

Let The Spirit Influence You
The Fruits of the Spirit
Removing Demons

Effects of Walking In the Spirit

Effects on the Body

The Body Under Control
The Desire For Food
Desire For Things
No Addictions
Sexual Desire Without Lust
No Defense Mechanism

Effects on the Soul

The Soul Set Free
Improved Fellowship

Effects From The Spirit

Faith, Hope, and Love Added
Benefits of Spiritual Forces
Hearing The Lord
Urim and Thummim
Hearing From The Word

Ways To Hear From God

Hearing Through Writing – Journaling
Using Mind, Emotions, and Will
Role of the Anointing of God

How To Walk In The Spirit

Start With Your Will
Quieten Your Emotions
Move To The Spirit
Use Mind, Emotions, and Will
Focus On Jesus
Focus on the Spirit

Taming The Body

Watch Sudden Impulses
Encouraged By the Enemy
Defense and Conflict
Feeling Guilt and Failure
Remove Worldly Contamination
Overcome the Enemy
Song on Walking in the Spirit

Forces of the Spirit


Learning God’s Blessing
Keys to Blessing

The Force of Faith

Many Faith Teachings
What Faith Means
Based on Words
Developing Your Faith
Hearing the Rhema Word
Involves Trust
No Faith and Doubt Together

How You Can Get Faith

Walk in the Spirit
Not a Standard Package

How to Grow Your Faith

Learning to Hear the Rhema Word
Faith Must Be Specific

The Force of Love

Agape Love a Command
Love is a Force
How to Get Agape Love

The Force of Hope

From a Positive Expectation

How To Release Spiritual Forces

Releasing Faith
Releasing Love and Hope
Different Kinds of Guns
Charging Your Faith With the Word
Using Tongues
Growing Your Faith Practically

Illustrations of Faith Building

Like a Hurricane
Like a Laser
Like an Atom Bomb
Applying the Illustrations
Bulldozing Through Problems

How To Release The Power

Releasing the Spiritual Forces
Love in Action
Give in Faith, Hope, and Love
How to See Faith is There
Beaming Down Your Request
Speaking Words

Stages in Birthing Your Desires

Be Specific
Find Some Promises
Walk in the Spirit
Watch Out for Negatives
Make Preparations
Act in Faith
Changes Coming
The Birth
Time to Wait

Additional Considerations

Loosing it
Start Small
George Mueller’s Small Start

Praying for Finances

How God Provides
Moved By Faith

Fruits of the Spirit

What the Fruit is For

Fruit is Attractive
Fruit is for Others
Must Be Poured Out
Not Based on Feelings

What the Fruits Are

Agape Love
A Commandment
A Commandment
A Choice
Resolving Conflicts

The Qualities of Love

14 Qualities of Love
Done By Choice
Increase Your Value
Your Reward
A Powerful Way to Give
The Power of Love

Four Essential Fruits

Blessing Wanes
Three Things to Succeed
Tenses of Faith, Hope, and Love
Effect of Love
Brings About Joy
Joy is Essential
Gives You Energy
No More Striving
Patient Endurance
Ability to Handle Things
Love is the Key

Changing Your Images

Images in Your Mind
Need New Pictures
Look at Jesus’ Image
Act Like Jesus

Change the Pictures

Personal Experience
Change With Words
Words Take Control
Your Spirit Causes Change

Powerful Confessions

The Blessing Code
Idea for the Book
My Scriptural Confession
I Will Be Like Jesus Confession
Make a Choice
Results of Seeing the Image

The Way of Wealth

The Three Roads

The Ministry Road
The Business Road
The Social Road

A Look at Wealth

Anointed for Wealth

Wealthy Bible Characters


Keys to Becoming Wealthy

Your Unique Promised Land
Fight for Your Land
Already Wealthy
Name Changes

Prepare for Wealth

An Efficient Spirit
An Efficient Soul
Changing Temperaments
Handling Emotions
An Efficient Body
Keep a Schedule

Your Circle of Influence

Get a Mentor
Build Relationships
Invest into Others

Things to Promote Health

Diet and Exercise

Developing a Healthy Spirit

Feed on the Word
Pray in Tongues

Developing a Healthy Soul

Speak and Act Positive

Developing a Healthy Body

Seven Factors for Health

The Right Food
Drink Enough Water
Get Enough Oxygen
Clear Out the Toxins


The Excretion Phase
The Reaction Phase
The Deposition Phase
The Impregnation Phase
The Degeneration Phase
The Dedifferentiation Phase

How to Move to Health

Get Enough Rest
Ways to Get Better Sleep

How to Promote Healing

Spirit and Soul in Unity
Relax Your Body
Build New Pictures
Health from Your Spirit
The Power of Agreement

Healing Seldom Instant

Doctors Cannot Heal
Looking for Hope
The Lord is the Healer
Praying for Healing

How To Build Relationships

Social Needs in Humans
Need for Acceptance and Recognition
Facebook and Social Media
Humans Must Meet Needs
Acceptance and Recognition Are Spiritual
Common Groups and Cliques
Unity in the Holy Spirit

Social Relationships With Unbelievers

A Light in the Darkness
Personal Experiences Being a Light
The Church System Stops Relationships
Walk in the Light
Acceptance in the Lord

Levels of Relationships

Basic Friendships
Complete Openness
Going Further Than Friendship
Starting a Romance
The Final Steps

Hierarchical Relationships

Employer/Employee Relationship
Wanting a Superhero
A Lonely Position

Team Relationships

Problems in the Team
Questions to Ask
Closing Prayer

Blessings Versus Curses

Blessing is Stopped
Personal Experience of This
Effect of Breaking Curses
You Control Blessings or Curses
What Blessing Looks Like
Abundant Provision
Peace and Harmony
What Curses Look Like
Curses in More Detail

God’s Plan of Redemption

Past Tense of Salvation
Present Tense of Salvation
Future Tense of Salvation
Still in Sin
Stealing the Blessing

Dealing With Family Curses

Curses from Family Generations
Health Issues
Wealth Issues
Relationship Issues

How to Break Free

Identify the Source of Curses
Caused by Sin
Steps to Removing Family Curses
Personal Wrong Ideas
Change to Blessing
A Warning
Break the Spiritual Links

Dealing With Other Curses

Curses from Other People
Words Can Curse
No Law of Judgment
Negative Words

Communicating Curses

Curses from Laying on of Hands
Walk Circumspectly

Curses from Objects

Religious Idols and Objects
Idols That Are Not Obvious
Family Generational Objects

Living The Transformed Life

Dealing With Hurts of the Past

Effects of the Past on Sexuality 1

Effects of the Past on Sexuality 2

Problems Related to the Future

Transformed Images Part 1

Transformed Images Part 2

Overcoming Fearful Experiences

How To Accomplish Your Desires

Overcoming Sickness, Poverty and Loneliness

Deliverance From Sickness

Provision The Way It Should Be

How Your Spirit Affects Relationships

God’s Way to Health

God’s Way of Physical Health

Dealing With Mental Illness

Healing The Spirit

God’s Way to Wealth

Building The Palace of Prosperity

Taking Your Promised Land

Maximizing Your Potential

Dividing Your Promised Land

The Way of Blessing

You Are Blessed

Spiritual Laws

Spiritual Forces

Spiritual Templates

Releasing Spiritual Forces

Walking in Prosperity

Receiving Healing

Spiritual Transmutation

Spiritual Birthing